
DOUBLE BLIND #2 (2014)

A durational installation-performance that comes into being through four sound-artworks, four dances and the experiencer/s. Scattering four movements and four sounds to be perceived simultaneously in random order and depending on chance, each performance becomes a unique journey and “whole” for both performer and audiences, as we tend to project and make connections between elements we perceive close to one another in space and time.

Concept: Karolina Ginman in collaboration with Lindén and Päivärinne
Composition & interaction design: Aki Päivärinne & Markus Lindén
Performance:  Ginman
Photo: Hanna Råst
Producer: the working group & Elisa Itkonen
Production: Voices of the Small, UrbanApa 2014

Kasöörinkatu 3 / Topparikuja 2, Itä pasila
Voices of the Small Carnival, UrbanApa festival, Helsinki, 2014

Voices of the Small/UrbanApa

ESSAY: Site-specific and moving stethoscope (Aki Päivärinne). In Finnish

Vapaan Taiteen Tila (Free Art Space)


Concept: Karolina Ginman in collaboration with Lindén and Päivärinne
Composition & interaction design: Aki Päivärinne & Markus Lindén
Performance:  Ginman
Photo: Hanna Råst
Producer: the working group
Production: the working group, Vapaan Taiteen Tila

Vapaan Taiteen Tila, Helsinki 29.11-5.12 2013