Sounding Motion collective:

R E S O N A N C E ( 2 0 1 9 )

Interdisciplinary choreographic process/research in collaboration with neuroscientist Hanna Poikonen.

Sounding Motion is an interdisciplinary artistic platform that investigates various possible relationships between body and sound through wearable electronics. The project has invited practitioners of a wide range of fields to collaborate in various forms and formations with movement-initiated sound production/alteration as a starting point. It has produced courses, workshops, research periods, demonstrations, performances  and concerts, supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland since 2016. Resonance is the group’s latest performance project. It works with resonating elements in space as extensions of the dancer’s body (or the body as extensions of the objects?), and alterers of dancer and audience perception. Through working with the concreteness of objects and the body, imposing upon them the interactional aspect of technology, Resonance asks the third that is their symbiosis - it’s poetic essence and presence to be perceived and shared with the audience.

Working group
Choreography, performance: Karolina Ginman
Performance, co-choreography: Hanna Pajala-Assefa
Sound design & interactive scenography: Eero Nieminen
Costume design: Liisa Pesonen
Lighting design: Mateus Manninen
Neuroscientific dialogue, text: Hanna Poikonen
Photos: Okko Parviainen

Performance #1 at Nordic Forum for Dance Reseach 14th International conference: Parctice, Participation & Politics, 14.6.2019, Theatre Academy, Helsinki.

Supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taiteen edistämiskeskus), Jenny & Antti Wihurin Rahasto.